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Australian Peregrine Falcon | Illustration

Australian Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus macropus) - Illustration​​​​​​​
The Australian Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus macropus) is the australian subspecies of the Peregrine Falcon. 

The Australian Peregrine falcon is a stocky powerful bird. It is one medium size Peregrine falcon subspecies. Is is only slightly smaller than the Mediterranean Peregrine falcon (ssp. brookei). F. p. macropus is 40-51 cm long and weights between 430 and 850 gr. 

In the left upper corner of the illustration you can see it compared to Falco peregrinus pealei from the Alaskan and Siberian Pacific islands the biggest subspecies, a giant that can weight 1500 gr.

Falco peregrinus macropus has two very distinctive features that make it quite easy to recognize among the other subspecies. 

The first is the large and dark "moustache" that cover the entire cheeck area. 
In the most peregrine falcon subspecies the mustache is a thinner tear-shaped marking that goes down from the eye. 

And the second are its large feet and talons, larger in proportion than other Peregrine falcon subspecies, perfect to catch the large avian preys typical of Australian Peregrine falcon's diet. Powerful and large birds like the Sulphur-crested cockatoo and the Galah, the pink and grey cockatoo. 

The Australian Peregrine falcon is typical of Australia and Tasmania. It can be found almost all over Mainland Australia (besides the south-western tip). It prefers rocky areas and it usually nests on tall cliffs. Can be found also in coastal areas.
In less rocky areas it can also nest inside hollow eucalyptus trees.
Australian Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus macropus) - 2021
Australian Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus macropus) - Informative chart
Simone Zoccante 
Natural History Illustrator

Australian Peregrine Falcon | Illustration


Australian Peregrine Falcon | Illustration
